Question based listing presentation

Transform the way you approach your listing presentation by rethinking not only the steps you take during the client interaction but the overall perspective you have on creating a lasting as well. Make sure you know what it takes to make an OK listing presentation turn into a great one with a renewed mindset and an easy to follow listing process guideline.


Are you wondering how to approach your listing presentation? Do you know that a good listing presentation is not actually about how much you can tell a client about yourself, or how many sales you’ve made, or even what their home is likely to sell for? The true purpose of a good listing presentation is about connection. The Marnie Beauchamp Question Based Listing Presentation is designed to help you connect with your potential client. This approach will help you engage better and set you up for a successful client interaction every time!


The Marnie Beauchamp Question-Based Listing Presentation offers you a step-by-step guide on what you should cover during your listing presentation with helpful guidance on topic openers and steering the conversation towards information-rich interactions. This question-based method will set you up for clear and productive communication that provides the details you need in order to create an exceptional presentation. More than this, the course actually addresses an entire wealth of interaction before you even meet the client face to face for the first time!

What you’ll learn

When you take the Marnie Beauchamp Question-Based Listing Presentation, you will learn how to glean vital information from your clients – not just the facts about their home and sale, but the more qualitative details too, like what their motivations are and how to ensure that you are poised to be the agent they feel most comfortable with. You will also learn about the right way to conduct a listing presentation and gain valuable insight from a tried and tested methodology crafted by Marnie Beauchamp in order to deliver a presentation that your potential clients resonate with. Become the number one choice by learning more about value-driven interactions and the detailed steps for creating the best listing every time. Use this course as your formula to listing success!

  • Understand listing interactions better.
  • Create value with every touchpoint.
  • Use a reliable formula for guaranteed future success.
  • Improve communication and engagement with prospective clients.

Question based listing presentation
